Friday 15 August 2014

Our Science Experiment

Easy Blog Photo
Today we started a science experiment to see what would happen to water and the three primary colours that we put in cups. Firstly we put water in two cups and some drops of food colouring into each one. Then we put an empty cup in the middle. Finally we folded two paper towels and folded one each into each cup. We then all came up with an hypothesis (which is a prediction). We will find out on Monday what has happened!
Some of our hypotheses were:

  1. The colour would go up the two outside cups and then end up in the middle cup as a secondary colour.
  2. The water and colour would go into the middle cup and make a yucky colour in the middle.
  3. The colour would jump along all three cups.


  1. Great experiment. I can't wait to see the results!

  2. I thought Isabella was pulling my leg when she told me to look for a Room 5 blog on the internet.
    What a great idea!

  3. Awesome experiment! How do you make the colour black? Gary

  4. it must of been fun considering the huge amount of paint that was on your hands when u came home the other day Cerys and Joe :)
