Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Our Opinions of the Uncontacted Tribe in the Amazon

Today the BFG reading group read a book about a blogger who wrote a blog about a tribe that had never ever seen anyone else before. They lived in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. One day a plane flew over top and saw them. Have a read of our opinions in the comments section below...


  1. I think they should join us because they don't have medicine and they could get sick and die.We also have lots of medicine so we could give it to them so they don't die. From James

  2. That's a good point James. It's great you shared your opinion. I wonder though if they have made their own types of medicine? Or I wonder if they even get sick? Miss Cousins

  3. It's also very kind that you thought of sharing our medicines with them. 😄

  4. I agree,They are use to their lifestyle and we are use to ours.We have no right to take that away from them. The Government does not need to carve the rainforest, they need to take care of his land and not worry about them. Ciara

  5. I agree their having a great life there, and their not harming anyone, they have got huts to live in and they have got plenty of food too, I think we should leave them alone by Jackson
