Friday 20 March 2015

And the Games Began!

Today was our last day of our topic because on Monday we will swap over: the children who have been learning all about music with Mrs Kim will now learn in Room 5 with Miss Cousins and vice versa.

We really enjoyed our learning over the past two weeks. Today in Room 5, the groups all played the games that had been invented. "Diamond Teams" by Vincent, Maya, Cohen and Hendrix was voted the most enjoyable but all the others were lots of fun too. It was really hard inventing a game but we did it, We hope you enjoy the videos below of the new games we created. If you would like to watch some videos of the learning that took place in Room 6, check out their blog:

"Diamond Teams" (Invented by Vincent, Maya, Cohen and Hendrix)

"Throw and Run" (Invented by Seth W, Seth H, Gemma and Finn)

"Bean Bag Rush" (Invented by Courtney, Grace, Kalib and Marshall)

"Hop Skip Jelly" (Invented by Chloe, Tai, Cody and Ilaisa)

"Zig Zag Bean Bag" (Invented by Kaydn, Emma, Mikayla and Daniel)

"Chuck Run Relay" (Invented by Lucy, Mikayla, Jake and Harry)

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